There are various types of Yoga
Books that are offered by us for use in the various places like schools,
fitness centres and others. The offered books are very useful and have all the
necessary articles and information needed. These books are a great way to learn
about this wonderful form of exercise for the body and mind. The books we have
gathered for you encompass many different aspects of yoga from just starting
out to learning more complicated sequences to guiding yourself on a mental
journey as well. The offered Yoga Books are very effective and made for various
1. बाल-विकास एवं शिक्षाशास्त्रा तथा शिक्षा मनोविज्ञान 1 2. बाल विकास एवं बाल मनोविज्ञान: परिचय एवं प्रकृति 14 3. बाल-विकास की अवस्थाएं 25 4. बाल अध्ययन की विधियाँ 45 5. विकास को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक: वंशानुक्रमण और वातावरण 74 6. विकास प्रतिमान के आधार: परियोजना और अधिगम 82 7. बाल्यावस्था की रुचिय..